Web Development
Examples of Writing an Effective Meta Description
Meta Description is the short paragraph in a form of headline or title that placed in the HTML of a webpage that describes its content. This is also down as a snippet that appears under your page’s URL in the search results. At the end of this ultimate guide to meta descriptions, your business will be equipped with all the SEO knowledge you need.
Provide benefits and solutions to problems
Write a short sentence previewing the content or telling the searcher why they should read your post. Tell the searcher what they can expect by clicking on your link. Give them a clear benefit of clicking through and reading your post, if necessary. This is your chance to sell them on what you have to offer.
Keep it short and simple
The guideline for meta description character length is ideally 150-160 characters. This can prove to be a real challenge when trying to write the perfect description for certain web pages but be going over this character limit results in having your description cut off in the SERP. Avoid these awkward mid-sentence breaks in your description by forcing yourself to stay within this character limit.
Make sure it is welcoming
Always write for the user first and not the search engines, the reason is to make your web copy and meta descriptions inviting rather than awkward. Hanging together various keyword phrases with practically zero identity will not get you extremely far in the SERPs, even if you do rank in the top 3 results for the phrase that you are targeting.
Avoid confusion
When searchers and search engines see keyword-stuffed content, that throws up all kinds of red flags and hurts the level of trust a searcher has in your content. If your meta description deceives the reader with content not relevant to what they should expect, be prepared for the searcher to hit that ‘Back’ button again. Some meta descriptions are spammed with keyword-stuffed content and probably stems from an old-school understanding of SEO.
Make it relevant and direct to the point
An average searcher knows a predictable, generic meta description when they see it in the SERPs. It is very important to use descriptive words instead of unnecessary exaggerating words and do your best to connect with your target audience and let them know what they can get from clicking through on your search result.
Incorporate a good Call-to-Action
A successful suggestion to take call-to-action, or CTA, can resoundingly affect the business while additionally extending client reach. CTAs also possess a good amount of versatility, both in regard to platform usage and actual content, that makes their usage recommended for business in all niches.