How to Use Search Engine Marketing To Build Traffic and Ranking

No website will get on the top page of Google overnight. You need search engine marketing to improve your ranking and drive traffic to your site.
When do you need search engine marketing?
- You’re a new website with no or low organic traffic
- You have some traffic, but you want to drive a specific audience to custom landing pages
- You want to divert traffic from a strong competitor who ranks well in a keyword phrase
- You are not ranking in important keywords (even for your own company name or product)
A Singapore digital agency that does search engine optimization and search engine marketing can help you create the right strategy and campaign for your budget. This is the typical process:
Set a search engine marketing strategy
- Set goals for both organic and paid search.
- Look at different options of achieving those goals (paid search, organic search, Facebook ads, etc) and get costings for each option.
- Generate a list of keywords and get possible traffic estimates
Optimize your website
Search engine optimization, website development and content all work together. Think of it this way: even if you drive people to your website, you need to create content that keeps them there. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting money on paid search that will just lead to a high bounce rate.
Aside from this, your website ranking is affected by your content and even how your website is structured and designed. You need to:
- Rewrite your content so it has both good keywords (for search engines) and useful and engaging content (for readers)
- Organize your content so readers can find what they need right away
- Add content so there’s more for search engines to find and crawl (ex: blogs, web pages)
- Remove barriers that prevent search engine from reading content (ex: flash video)
Plant links to your website
Ideally, you should set up several ways for people to find your website. Set up social media that can link back to your website, add your website to directories, distribute articles and press releases. Your website should be part of an entire eco-system of content that point back to your brand and drive traffic from different sources.
Monitor your success
Use Google Analytics to see which of your search engine marketing campaigns are generating the most traffic and conversions. This data will help you finetune your strategy and decide where to focus your effort and money.
Get a search engine marketing agency in Singapore
MapleTree Media can help you create your website, optimize it, and drive traffic to your site through search engine marketing and content marketing campaigns. Check out our portfolio of clients and contact us for more information!