Whether you’re a start-up firm or a high-rise enterprise, anyone can benefit from hiring a freelance graphic designer. These skilled professionals are being outsourced by major companies as the pros outweigh the cons. However, if you’re interested but wondering how much the rates are to hire one then you better sit down and get comfortable. This is because, in this article, we are breaking down why you should hire freelance graphic designers, the rates and where to find them.

Realistic Understanding: Professional Designers Have A Hefty Price Tag

19 GIFs for Designers ideas | graphic design, graphic, design

It’s not always easy to find someone to help you with your design job. Corporate designers, who work for traditional design firms, have fixed rates that are rarely negotiated. Those fees might be prohibitively expensive for certain people. High prices deter people from looking for simple designs or a one-time assignment.


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    As a result, many people with design jobs have turned to freelancers for help. Freelance designers’ prices are frequently flexible, even if they are already low.

    They are also adaptable in terms of the kind of employment they accept, preferring to work on long-term initiatives or campaigns. Freelancers are driven since their livelihood is contingent on the number of work they can secure. This implies that if you broaden your search, you may save a little money on design while still getting the services of highly trained and dependable designers.

    However, it’s not to say that hiring professional graphic designers is bad or you shouldn’t at all. In fact, if you want to ensure a trusted designer with an important project, you want someone that’s experienced with sharpened skills in graphic design. They are more dependable with the delivery of high-quality results such as the services we offer. This in turn not only ensures you satisfactory service but also will make your project a success. Just look at some examples from our previous projects.

    Why Hire Freelance Graphic Designers?

    More reliable

    In the case of freelancers, a list of experiences, recommendation letters from former clients, and a broad portfolio are far more reliable. There’s no harm in taking these things as evidence of their abilities and service quality. The graphic designers have achieved all of these credentials on their own. Although ratings and reviews provide information about agencies, they cannot be relied upon to be reliable.

    You have no idea if the designer who achieved the high rating for the organisation has departed or is still working with them. Many times, agencies may engage freelancers to complete their jobs. Freelance graphic designers with the abilities and expertise you want are the greatest option since, unlike marketing companies, they are the single owners of their credibility.


    The cost will surely be the first thing that comes to mind as a logical businessperson when employing any aid. Furthermore, there is little doubt that freelancers are the most cost-effective option. Freelancers, unlike marketing firms, do not need to maintain an office or pay employees because they are independent contractors.

    Even if a freelancer establishes an office, it will be significantly smaller than that of upmarket firms. Individual tax responsibilities and other government-imposed duties are also insignificant when compared to well-established commercial entities.

    Flexible hours

    You may occasionally want urgent graphic design services. If you ever find yourself in this scenario, the only person who can help you is a freelancer. Flexible working hours are not simply a benefit to freelancers; they may also be beneficial to customers. Marketing firms, like any other company or organisation, have a formal office culture with set working hours.

    When you approach them with an urgent job on weekends or at odd hours, it will be difficult for them to entertain you. Because freelancers are their own bosses, there’s a good possibility they’ll adapt their own schedule to accommodate your pressing need. They would go to great lengths to make you happy since their prosperity is contingent on your success.

    Faster results

    With a freelance graphic designer, the work cycle is faster since there are no middlemen. Because of the vast chain of persons working in marketing firms, the process of completing a task gets excessively drawn out. Your request is not conveyed to the designer directly, and the final design is not sent to you immediately. If you want to make changes to the design, your request will be routed through the lengthy procedure again.

    Although the technique is followed for your benefit, it causes the work to be delayed needlessly. You obtain your designs from a freelancer as soon as the designer completes them. Between the completion of a design and its delivery, there is no time gap. You may also leave a remark right now and get the design corrected sooner.

    Effective communication

    To present the design expressing your company’s personality, a graphic designer must first comprehend your expectations, vision, and objective. Because it is one-to-one contact, you can transmit your message more effectively to a freelance graphic designer. When you employ an agency to handle your company’s needs, you’ll usually communicate with the person in charge of maintaining client relationships, rather than the graphic designer himself. Everything you say goes through a conduit to the graphic designer.

    During the process, certain important messages may be lost or misconstrued. By hiring a freelancer, you will be able to immediately comprehend each other’s points of view. As a result, recommending adjustments becomes a simple and quick procedure.

    Where To Hire Freelance Graphic Designers


    Dribbble's CEO accused of suspending an artist's account for criticizing the site's changes - The Verge

    Dribbble is a freelance design community that includes web designers, illustrators, icon artists, graphic designers, logo designers, creatives, and more. Their job board has become the go-to place for many firms looking to employ top freelance designers. Dribbble allows you to separate various designers depending on their skill set and geographical region while seeking freelance graphic designers. You can also read their bio, read their reviews, and see some of the projects they’ve worked on.


    Behance Curation: Philosophy and Approach | by Behance | Behance Blog | Medium

    Behance is a website where independent designers can show off their work and network with possible clients. More than 7 million creatives call it home, and more than 65 million design work are seen each month. Behance, which is owned by Adobe, has a thriving community of designers searching for jobs. As an employer, you have the option of posting a position and having people recommended to you based on the parameters you provide.

    LinkedIn ProFinder

    Over 50, 000 highly competent in-demand freelancers can be found on LinkedIn ProFinder, including expert illustrators, web designers, graphic designers, and more. You may rapidly explore a list of top freelance designers, check for relevant experience, obtain direct estimates, and read recommendations using the site. It’s as simple as signing up and describing your design requirements. The next thing you know, you’re getting bids from some of the platform’s most talented freelance designers.

    99 Designs

    99designs - Hire The Best Designers For Your Business - Your Tech Story

    99 Designs, one of the world’s leading graphic design marketplaces, has assisted over 364,000 businesses in finding the perfect talent for their projects. Simply go to 99 Designs and fill out their creative brief to get started. Your job contest will then be shared with over 1 million designers by 99 Designs. In a few days, the designers will start submitting their concepts to you.


    UX Hires | LinkedIn

    UXHires is a freelancing marketplace exclusively for UI and UX designers, as well as UX researchers. You may engage over 10,000 highly talented and experienced freelance designers via them. They do not, however, link you directly with freelancers.

    Instead, contact UXhires and describe your job requirements; they’ll do their best to match you with the perfect people based on experience, talents, and personality. They just added the option of posting a job and waiting for qualified candidates to apply.


    Design Services & DIY Tools | Print on Demand Merch | Designhill

    One of the most popular graphic design marketplaces is Designhill. They have one of the most basic operating principles. All you must do as an employer is go to the site and establish a contest. You’ll be asked to add the award, the length, and a brief description.

    Once you’ve finished the contest, go ahead, and post it, and you’ll start receiving dozens of submissions from designers all around the world. You will be able to select your favourite design work from the entries submitted and collaborate with the designer whose work you have approved. They also give a money-back guarantee if none of the submissions meets your requirements.


    SpeedLancer can link you with some of the top freelance graphic designers you’ll ever meet. Approximately 500 highly experienced graphic designers are grouped into teams on the site at the time of writing. Individual freelancers are not involved in any of the projects. If you have a project, you may go to the platform and go through the teams to see which one you believe is most suited to tackle it.


    Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online | Freelancer

    Freelancer is one of the most well-known freelancing platforms, with a well-established methodology for linking businesses with competent freelancers. To get started, simply go to the platform and register. Next, write your employment ad and specify the amount of money you’re willing to pay. Bids will be submitted by the candidates.

    You may browse through the bids and take your time looking over their profiles and portfolios before deciding on one. You may also choose whether to pay them per hour or provide a fixed cost for the entire assignment.


    The Best Websites to Hire Freelance Designers | GraphicMama Blog

    Krop is a freelancing marketplace that caters to both part-time and full-time workers. They offer a straightforward hiring procedure. You may either go through the portfolios of different freelancers and employ one right away, or you can post your job on their job board and wait for freelancers to apply.

    On Krop, a single job ad costs $199. However, when you submit more jobs, this number decreases. They have over 100,000 portfolios, but you can only view them if you pay a $299 monthly subscription fee.

    Art Wanted

    ArtWanted.com - Art Community for Artists and Photographers

    If you’re looking to hire a creative individual, such as an illustration, artist, or graphic designer, Art Wanted is a wonderful place to start. Freelancers have the option of creating a portfolio. They can also sell some of their own works.

    To say the least, there are a lot of talented people on the platform. You may search for talents using keywords and then contact them personally if you believe they’d be a good fit for your project.


    WorknHire.com (@WorknHire) / Twitter

    WORKnHIRE is an Indian freelance marketplace where you may employ thousands of freelancers from all around the world. It’s a simplistic platform with an easy design and a simple working premise. You may then submit your job and wait for freelancers to bid on it after you’ve signed up.

    Following the receipt of a quote, you may study each candidate’s profile to learn more about them, including their abilities, price, and reviews. If you’re happy, you may employ the freelancer and wait for them to complete the task within the agreed-upon deadline.

    Donna Jobs

    Only female freelancers are listed on Donna Jobs. As a result, only use the site if you’re looking to hire female designers.

    The platform may be used in two ways. The first involves looking through several profiles and selecting a female expert who you believe is more prepared to undertake your assignment. The second option entails posting a work request and waiting for freelancers to respond.

    Design Crowd

    99designs vs DesignCrowd: What's the difference and which should you choose? - 99designs

    Design Crowd is a global network of independent designers. It’s a simple platform that allows companies to outsource jobs to freelance designers directly. The platform offers a quick response, many design concepts, low-cost services, and no risks. Design Crowd, like other comparable sites, asks you to post your project brief, which must include all your critical needs.

    You must also select a plan that best meets your design requirements. After that, interested designers can submit their design concepts to you. However, unlike other comparable sites, Design Crowd allows you to share your submitted items for ranking with your team or friends.

    Authentic Jobs

    Authentic Jobs Logo, HD Png Download - kindpng

    Facebook, the New York Times, and Mercedes Benz are just a few of the firms that have utilised Authentic Jobs to identify the best freelance designers available. To advertise your job offer on Authentic Jobs, you will, of course, have to pay a fee. However, since they have some of the greatest freelance designers you’ll ever come across online, the price will be well worth it. Furthermore, they provide a money-back guarantee if you are unable to discover a freelance designer that meets your requirements.

    Rates On Hiring Freelance Graphic Designers

    Quarantine and Chill on Behance

    With most of the platforms on the list, the average cost of hiring a freelance graphic designer is $140. Graphic designers with more expertise charge between $65 and $150 per hour, while those with less experience price between $25 and $55 per hour.

    It will take some effort on your part as well as a lot of patience. You must supply project specifics, post the assignment on freelancing websites, and then filter out the bad answers until you reach a select few that you believe are capable of handling the work. Make it obvious that you’re not asking for advice, but rather a pricing estimate for the project.