6 free and paid search engine marketing tools that digital companies in Singapore like Mapletree Media recommend

Small business owners are looking for a competitive edge. If you happen to be one, chances are you are looking for strategies to get your leg up on the competition. In the world of marketing, it seems like there are always new tools, tips, tricks, and trends to discover and incorporate into your marketing strategy. Here is a list of recommended tools into different sections so you can get a better sense of what tools are available for different functions of the job.
Google Search Console
Out of all the Google tools and sources, only Search Console gives you detailed information about the search queries your website is ranking for. Inside the Search Console, you can also see if Google understands your structured data, see if there are errors in your rich cards, which pages are indexed, which pages return crawl errors, and much, much more. But, perhaps the most valuable part of Google Search Console is the Search Analytics section, because it is the only official source of Google ranking data.
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Bing Webmaster Tools
Bing Webmaster Tools provides additional site diagnostic reports and testing opportunities. Though the platform has many similar features and tools to Google Search Console, some features and tools can only be found in Bing. While Google may be the primary source of your organic traffic, Bing is almost certainly your second-highest source. Even if Bing accounts for only 20 percent to 30 percent of your monthly organic traffic, would you be willing to lose that traffic, which may be generating leads or revenue?
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Google Data Studio
Data Studio is like Google Analytics dashboards on steroids. Google Data Studio is a dashboard and reporting tool that is easy to use, customize, and share. It allows you to transform your data into appealing and informative reports for your audience. It’s a great tool to track KPIs that support business objectives and generate periodic reports.
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Google Trends
Google Trends is a useful tool if you take the time to use it correctly but also if you go beyond the surface. One good thing about Google trends is that besides the top related terms, the service provides the rising ones, which may not be in the top 5 yet, but their interest increase ought to be noticed. Like any tool Google Trends can be a blunt object but with the right questions and work it can be directly used to glean important insights and add value to a wide number of areas.
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Moz Keyword Explorer
Keyword Explorer is a very fancy and modern looking keyword tool. It is not like any other ordinary keyword tool. The features and the way it works is a little different from other keyword tools. Potential gives you an overview of your keyword. This combining volume, difficulty and opportunity together.
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Wayback Machine
The research and academic uses for historical views of the web are endless. But there are search engine optimization benefits as well. The Wayback Machine houses 85 billion Web pages archived for more than a dozen years, which amounts to three petabytes of data, or about 150 times the content of the Library of Congress.
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